Caricom Secretariat Online Applications Breached, Services Taken Offline

Caricom Building 1 2
Caricom Secretariat Online Applications Breached, Services Taken Offline 2

The Caribbean Community (Caricom) Secretariat, based in Guyana, has reported a security breach affecting some of its online applications. In response to the incident, Caricom has taken its website and other applications offline as a precautionary measure.

The extent and nature of the breach remain unclear, as Caricom Secretariat sources have neither confirmed nor denied whether the incident was a hack, referring only to the issued statement.

The Secretariat has assured that telephone and email services are still operational and have not been impacted by this security issue. However, there is no specific timeline provided for when the online applications and website services will be restored.

This disruption highlights the growing concerns over cybersecurity within major organizations and the importance of safeguarding digital infrastructure.

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