Charges Withdrawn Against Annamay Lewis in Prime Minister Gonsalves Injury Case

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Annamay Lewis outside of the Kingstown Magistrate Court

The legal case against Annamay Lewis, a resident of Layou in St. Vincent, has taken a significant turn. On Wednesday, November 29, 2023, the charge against Lewis was formally withdrawn. She had been accused of injuring Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves during a protest in Kingstown on August 5, 2021.

Initially, Lewis faced allegations of ‘throwing missiles,’ leading to Prime Minister Gonsalves’ injury. However, following multiple adjournments, the prosecution decided to withdraw this charge. Previously, in September 2021, the case had seen another development when the prosecution dropped the charge of wounding against Lewis.

Lewis’ attorney had expressed skepticism about the strength of the prosecution’s case as early as September 2021, indicating a belief that the evidence against Lewis was insufficient. The latest withdrawal of charges marks the end of legal proceedings against Lewis in this matter, according to the St. Vincent Times. This case had garnered attention due to its political significance, involving a prominent public figure and a protest event.

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