Grenada Raises Safety Concerns Over Trinidadian Dancehall Artist’s Performance Amid Gang Violence

Kman 6ixx Noyvs
Trinidad DanceHall artiste “Kman 6ixx”

A local dancehall artist from Trinidad and Tobago, Kashif “Kman 6ixx” Alexander, is facing resistance from the public in Grenada regarding his planned performance for the island’s 50th independence anniversary. This pushback is due to safety concerns following a recent violent incident in Trinidad and Tobago involving the artist.

In December 2023, a shooting incident on the Churchill-Roosevelt Highway in St. Augustine, Trinidad, claimed four lives, including an innocent bystander. This event, in which Kman 6ixx was targeted, has raised serious concerns in Grenada about the potential risks of his performance there.

Senior Superintendent Richard Smith from Trinidad and Tobago described the shooting as a demonstration of a “lack of care and concern” for public safety. This incident is part of an ongoing gang conflict in Trinidad and Tobago, specifically between the Six and Seven Gangs.

Grenadians are expressing their concerns about the artist’s performance, with some questioning whether Kman 6ixx should even be granted a work permit. Comments in Grenada’s media reflect a fear that his concert could escalate into violence, potentially harming Grenadian citizens.

A senior official from the Royal Grenada Police Force, speaking anonymously, echoed these concerns, suggesting that Kman 6ixx’s performance in Grenada could provide another opportunity for violence. The official referenced a previous incident involving a Trinidad and Tobago national in a murder case in Grenada, emphasizing the need to avoid unnecessary safety risks.

Kman 6ixx, on his part, has responded to the controversy, stating on social media that his sole aim is to improve the lives of his family and those around him.

A final decision on whether Kman 6ixx will be allowed to perform in Grenada is pending, as local authorities weigh the potential risks against the artist’s participation in the significant cultural event.

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