Guyana Stands Firm Against Venezuelan Annexation Attempts

Eu Celac Summit In Brussels
Guyana President Dr. Irfaan Ali

President Dr. Irfaan Ali has issued a strong warning to Venezuela, led by President Nicolas Maduro, against any attempts to annex parts of Guyana’s territory. This stern declaration comes in response to Maduro’s activation of legislation to incorporate Essequibo as a new Venezuelan state, following a referendum held in December last year.

Guyana has alerted various international bodies, including the United Nations and the Organisation of American States, asserting its refusal to tolerate the annexation, seizure, or occupation of any portion of its sovereign territory. The move by the Venezuelan president to promulgate the “Organic Law for the Defense of Guayana Esequiba” has been denounced by Guyana as a blatant violation of international law, contradicting the principles enshrined in the UN Charter and the Charter of the Organisation of American States.

The Guyanese government’s statement emphasizes that Venezuela’s actions are not only illegal but also contradict the spirit of the Joint Declaration of Argyle for Dialogue and Peace. This declaration, agreed upon by both nations in St Vincent and the Grenadines in December 2023, aimed to foster peaceful dialogue and respect for sovereignty.

Guyana remains committed to the principles of the United Nations Charter, advocating for the rule of law and the peaceful resolution of disputes. The government underscores that the appropriate venue for addressing territorial claims is the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which has jurisdiction over the case brought by Guyana regarding the 1899 Arbitral Award that settled the land boundary between the two countries. The ICJ’s forthcoming decision will be final and binding on both parties, reinforcing the rule of law and international norms in resolving territorial disputes.

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