Police Shooting in Tunapuna Leaves Three Dead

C8468af1b084cfc5aca889e6bf26371dttps Police Officers Cops Aug 1
Police Shooting in Tunapuna Leaves Three Dead 2

In a tragic incident in Tunapuna on Saturday morning, three individuals were fatally shot by police during an operation at a residence in Monte Grande. Among the deceased were two men, known by their aliases “Dust Boss” and “Silence,” and a woman reported to be the girlfriend of one of the men.

The confrontation occurred around 5 a.m. as police officers arrived at the house to execute a warrant. According to police reports, the shooting ensued after the trio allegedly opened fire on the officers.

In a distressing turn of events, moments before the shooting, “Dust Boss” was broadcasting live on Instagram, where he communicated with the officers, indicating his intention to cooperate. He mentioned he was in his boxer shorts and about to open the door, asserting he had nothing illegal in his possession. The live video captured a tense exchange where “Dust Boss” claimed to have his hands raised, followed by his screams before the video abruptly ended.

Following the incident, the three individuals were transported to the Mt Hope Hospital, where they were declared dead. The circumstances leading to the fatal shooting have raised concerns, with the police account indicating that the officers acted in response to being fired upon.

This incident has cast a spotlight on the use of force by law enforcement and the events leading up to the fatal encounter, particularly in light of the live broadcast that captured the moments before the shooting. The community and wider public await further details as investigations into the shooting continue.

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