Prime Minister Gonsalves Urges Unity Among Farmers and Fisherfolk for Sandals Resort Supply

Sandals Starts Taking Reservations For St. Vincent
Sandals Resort in Buccament, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves has called on the farmers and fisher-folk of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to come together and harness the opportunities available through supplying produce to Sandals Resort. During a press conference on March 4th, Gonsalves highlighted the critical need for a reliable and quality supply of seafood and other agricultural products to meet the demands of the burgeoning hospitality industry.

Gonsalves emphasized the significance of a unified approach among farmers and fisher-folk, advocating for collaboration and aggregation of resources to ensure a consistent and affordable supply chain. The Prime Minister pointed out that the hospitality sector, particularly hotels like Sandals Resort, requires predictable and modern business practices from its suppliers. He urged local producers to modernize their operations and diversify their practices away from traditional mono-cropping, except in specific niche markets, to stay competitive and meet these demands.

Further linking the agricultural and fisheries sectors’ needs to his broader educational vision, Gonsalves noted that the ongoing education revolution programme is designed to equip the Vincentian workforce with the skills necessary to thrive in a modern agricultural landscape. He expressed his optimism about the potential for growth and development through collaborative efforts, envisioning significant contributions to the agricultural industry and the nation as a whole from united local farmers and fisherfolk.

This initiative represents a call to action for Vincentian agricultural and fisheries sectors to adapt, innovate, and collaborate, ensuring they can capitalize on the opportunities presented by the hospitality industry’s demand for high-quality, reliable produce supplies.

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