UN Chief Warns: World Losing Its Way on Human Rights – Urgent Action Needed Now!

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United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres

In his Human Rights Day message, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres expressed deep concern over the current global state, highlighting rampant conflicts, increasing poverty and hunger, deepening inequalities, and a climate crisis impacting the most vulnerable. He pointed out the rise in authoritarianism, shrinking civic spaces, and attacks on the media, along with a regression in gender equality and women’s reproductive rights.

Guterres emphasized the critical importance of upholding all human rights – social, cultural, economic, civil, and political – as a means to protect everyone. His remarks came on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a milestone document in the history of human rights.

Guterres reminded the world of the Declaration’s foundational belief in the inherent dignity and equal rights of all human beings, a principle as relevant today as it was at its inception. He called on UN Member States to reaffirm their commitment to these enduring values during the Declaration’s 75th anniversary and the upcoming Summit of the Future.

The Secretary-General’s message was a call to action for people globally to champion and respect human rights every day, advocating for their universal application. This message underscores the ongoing relevance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the need for continued vigilance in protecting and promoting human rights worldwide.

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