Jagdeo Reaffirms Guyana’s Stance on Essequibo Amid Venezuela Dispute

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Former President and current Vice-President of Guyana, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo

Vice-President of Guyana, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, during a public meeting in Anna Regina, Region Two, has reaffirmed Guyana’s steadfast position on the Essequibo region, amidst ongoing territorial claims by Venezuela. Dr. Jagdeo, who has previously served as the President of Guyana, emphasized the historical and legal basis of Guyana’s claim, maintaining that Venezuela’s aspirations to alter the established borders would remain unfulfilled.

“The government and opposition of Guyana are united in the belief that Essequibo has been an integral part of our nation since the 1899 award,” Dr. Jagdeo declared to the gathering. He also addressed the misleading narratives propagated by the Venezuelan government, urging Guyanese to remain vigilant and vocal against these claims.

Dr. Jagdeo highlighted Venezuela’s upcoming referendum, aimed at annexing Guyana’s Essequibo region, as an act of defiance against international law and a diversion from Venezuela’s internal challenges. “This referendum is a political maneuver by the Maduro administration to distract from their economic mismanagement,” he stated.

The Vice-President pointed out that despite Venezuela’s efforts, the issue remains subject to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). He expressed confidence in the international community’s support for Guyana’s stance and emphasized the historical context of the 1899 Arbitral Award.

Venezuela’s Vice-President, Delcy Rodríguez, has been criticized by Dr. Jagdeo for her contradictory statements concerning the referendum and the treatment of Venezuelan refugees in Guyana. “Contrary to her claims, Guyana has adhered to international standards in our treatment of Venezuelan refugees,” he asserted.

The long-standing border controversy, dating back to the 1899 Arbitral Award, delineated the land boundary between British Guiana (now Guyana) and Venezuela. However, Venezuela has continually contested the validity of this award, leading to Guyana seeking the ICJ’s affirmation of its legitimacy.

With the ICJ set to make a ruling on the matter, Dr. Jagdeo’s reaffirmation of Guyana’s position, bolstered by his experience as a former President, underscores the country’s commitment to maintaining its territorial integrity and navigating this complex geopolitical issue with firm resolve.

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