University of Waterloo to Remove Smart Vending Machines Over Facial Recognition Concerns

Smart Vending Machine

The University of Waterloo in Canada is set to remove smart vending machines from its campus following concerns raised by students over the use of facial-recognition technology. The issue came to light when a Reddit user, SquidKid47, shared a photo of an M&M-brand vending machine displaying an error code that suggested the use of facial recognition software. Further investigation by River Stanley, a student and writer for the local publication MathNews, revealed that these machines, provided by Adaria Vending Services and manufactured by Invenda Group, were indeed equipped with technology capable of detecting faces to activate the purchasing interface.

Adaria Vending Services clarified that the technology was used merely as a motion sensor and did not take or store any images of customers, ensuring privacy and compliance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Invenda Group also confirmed that the technology engaged in local processing of digital image maps without storing or transmitting any personally identifiable information. However, it was disclosed that the machines collected data on the presence of a person, estimated age, and estimated gender without associating it with individuals.

The University of Waterloo responded to the concerns by requesting the removal of these vending machines from campus and disabling the software in the interim. This decision aligns with a growing global debate on the use of facial-recognition technology in educational settings and its implications for student privacy and safety.

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